Understanding Retro-orbital Headaches: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

by nick

Headaches that manifest behind the eyes can stem from factors including visual stress to migraines. While home treatments and over-the-counter remedies frequently offer alleviation, some cases might necessitate medical intervention.

Such a headache might impact either one or both eyes and could be associated with photophobia and various discomfort forms. A medical professional can determine the headache’s root cause behind the eyes and suggest an appropriate treatment approach.

Continue reading to learn more about what leads to headaches situated behind the eyes and the ways to manage them.


Migraine is a prevalent ailment, impacting close to 16%Trusted Source of the adult population in the US.

Migraine-induced headaches can bring about severe discomfort often localized to a single side of the head, and occasionally behind one of the eyes. Such headaches can persist for a duration of up to 72 hoursTrusted Source.

Along with the debilitating headaches, individuals suffering from migraines might also encounter:

  • Feelings of unsteadiness
  • General feeling of weakness
  • Episodes of nausea and subsequent vomiting
  • Increased sensitivity to both light and auditory inputs
  • Shifts in mood
  • Visual anomalies referred to as auras


The exact origins of migraines are not fully understood by medical professionals, but it’s believed that alterations in nerve communication and changes in eye blood flow may contribute significantly.

Frequently, external factors can provoke migraine episodes. Recognized inducers of migraines encompass:

  • Insufficient rest
  • Shifts in hormonal levels
  • External elements like intense odors, smoke, or variable lighting
  • Inadequate hydration
  • Excessive intake of substances like caffeine or alcoholic beverages
  • Potent feelings, including stress or apprehension

Digital Eye Strain

Digital eye strain, often termed computer eye strain or computer vision syndrome, encompasses a variety of eye-related issues caused by extended time spent on electronic devices.

Symptoms commonly associated with eye strain, particularly after lengthy periods without breaks on digital screens, can include:

eye discomfort in either or both eyes
dryness of the eyes
pain in the neck and shoulders
difficulty focusing
Discomfort typically occurs specifically while using digital devices and can subside upon ceasing their use. Nonetheless, as digital device use becomes increasingly prevalent, related symptoms are also on the rise. Continuous symptoms may necessitate a consultation with a healthcare provider.


Extended periods of intense concentration on activities such as screen usage can induce eye fatigue. Eye fatigue may also occur due to existing visual impairments.

Eye strain often arises after lengthy, uninterrupted periods of engaging with a single focus, such as a book or a computer monitor. Environments with inadequate lighting and states of exhaustion can further contribute to the development of eye strain.

Treatment for headaches behind the eyes

If over-the-counter pain relievers are sufficient, they may be used to ease mild to moderate headaches that manifest behind the eyes. For more severe pain, a physician might recommend prescription drugs.

To help prevent recurring migraines, a medical provider might prescribe medications such as antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, or oral contraceptives. During a migraine attack, lying down in a dark room may provide relief. Applying a cold compress over the eyes can also be soothing.

For tension headaches, muscle relaxants may be employed on a temporary basis.

When headaches result from bacterial sinusitis, antibiotics are typically prescribed by healthcare professionals. On the other hand, if sinusitis is due to allergies or a viral infection, nasal decongestant sprays might be an effective treatment.

Adhering to the 20-20-20 guideline can alleviate headaches caused by prolonged screen time, helping to reduce eye strain.

Home management strategies

Alleviating the root factors of headaches situated behind the eyes can assist individuals in handling them at home.

To prevent triggering migraines, it may be beneficial to steer clear of:

  • loud sounds
  • intense smells
  • alcoholic beverages
  • skipping meals
  • stress
  • exhaustion
  • glaring lights
  • insufficient sleep

For those dealing with discomfort behind the eyes due to tension headaches, the ensuing suggestions might prove useful:

  • prevent straining muscles in the head and neck area
  • regulate stress effectively
  • ensure ample sleep every night
  • reduce time spent in front of screens

In instances where sinusitis is behind the headaches near the eyes, the following measures may offer relief:

  • reducing or steering clear of caffeinated products
  • abstaining from alcohol
  • quitting smoking
  • maintaining an exercise routine
  • avoiding processed food items

When to see a doctor

Should an individual regularly endure headaches situated behind the eyes, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider. They might suggest undergoing an eye evaluation and might offer treatment options that extend beyond those found over-the-counter.

Adopting changes in one’s daily habits could additionally aid in alleviating the potential for such pain to reemerge.


Headaches experienced behind the eyes can cause significant discomfort and may be accompanied by additional symptoms. These headaches can arise from different medical conditions, and pinpointing the root cause is essential for treatment.

Avoidance of particular triggers like alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, coupled with lifestyle modifications, can also be beneficial.

A healthcare professional can ascertain the fundamental reason for the headaches and offer further assistance, which may include medication.

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